Procter Center Farm
Ryan Wesolowski
11235 State Route 38 SE
London, Ohio 43140
Listing updated 03 02, 2023
Produce, Pork, Chicken, Eggs
We are an eight-acre, organically practiced, vegetable and livestock farm located in Madison County, Ohio. We are part of the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio, so we have a strong passion for regenerative and creation-care. In 2023 we will be planting the second year of our future permaculture orchard, which includes apples, peaches, pears, plums, serviceberry, and elderberry among support species like hickory, oak, and black locust. The farm includes a small apple tree orchard, twelve box beds, high tunnel, and greenhouse. We grow 40 different varieties of vegetables and do season extension to harvest in the spring, summer, and fall, and sell our pork, chicken and eggs all year long at local farmers markets and wholesale at retail outlets.
Ryan Wesolowski 7404906072
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