Orchard Grove Farm
Ronald Kasper
6700 Orchard Grove Ave
Cleveland, Ohio 44144

Listing posted 04 12, 2020
Fresh seasonal produce, chicken and duck eggs, herbal beauty products, value added goods. We offer CSA shares as well as sell produce at our local Old Brooklyn Farmer's Market.
Established in 2017 we have been slowly regenerating our backyard into an urban farm ecosystem. Our focus has been on seasonal produce since our inception, but will lean heavily toward a u-pick orchard operation in the future. Many unusual varieties of fruits and vegetables are a part of our CSA shares and is what sets us apart from most growers. We have never used chemical inputs, and prefer to nurture our plants through building a better soil.
Ronald Kasper 2166475749
Web site: G.page/orchardgrovefarm
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Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
41 Croswell Rd.
Columbus OH 43214
OEFFA: (614) 421-2022
OEFFA Certification: (614) 262-2022
Fax: (614) 421-2011