Bring the Farm to You
Christa Hein
We are based out of Centerburg, OH 43011
Listing updated 04 24, 2019
Bring the Farm to You is a farm-education business.
Our current programs include: Apple Cidering, Beekeeping, Chick Hatching, Child's Homestead, Dairy Delicacies, Farm Animal Events, Felting, Maple Sugaring, Rabbit Rearing, Wool Spinning, and Worm Composting
Our educational programs delight, intrigue, and inspire students of all ages about their connection to farms. And just like our name says, we Bring the Farm to You! Our teaching staff transports all the equipment and supplies right to your doorstep.
Our programs have been shared at city-wide festivals, library learning events, senior and assisted living centers, camps, employee enrichment programs, retail events, and celebrations of all kinds. Sharing a farm program with your audience will create a learning environment that touches people in a direct way and enriches their lives.
Contact us for a full program price list.
Christa Hein (614) 560-5583
Web site:
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