Oaks & Sprouts Limited
Graham Oberly
5899 Nettlecreek Road
Urbana, Ohio 43078

Listing updated 02 08, 2022
Oaks & Sprouts grows a variety of home kitchen and restaurant staples in our market garden that are available for delivery in our region or purchase at local farmers’ markets. Market garden products include: tomatoes, lettuce, basil, swiss chard, cucurbits, squash, microgreens, and brassicas. We also produce jams from the fruit trees on the property, season salts from available herbs, and will be selling pastured pork in 2022.
Oaks & Sprouts is committed to producing socially and environmentally responsible food and agricultural products as part of the local food and economic system. We use regenerative and natural techniques to grow produce and raise animals in a way that results in nutrient dense food and a healthy balanced ecosystem. We hope to do our part to cultivate an empowering and loving community through good food.
Graham Oberly 9379861678 / 9379861678 fax
Web site: https://www.oaksandsprouts.com/
© 2025 OEFFA. All materials on this website are the copyrighted work of OEFFA and may not be reproduced or distributed without the prior express written permission of OEFFA.
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
41 Croswell Rd.
Columbus OH 43214
OEFFA: (614) 421-2022
OEFFA Certification: (614) 262-2022
Fax: (614) 421-2011