Food Safety Article
Colloquy in the Congressional Record
NSAC's response to the Dingell letter
Seed mix #1
- 5 buckets compost (well rotted)
- 4 buckets topsoil (loam)
- 1-2 buckets sharp sand
- 1-2 buckets leaf mold
- 1 bucket sphagnum peat moss
- 2 tablespoons lime
Seed mix #2
- 2 bucket sifted compost
- 4 bucket sphagnum peat moss
- I bucket perlite
- 1 bucket vermiculite
- 4 oz. lime
Seed mix #3:
- Standard soilless
- 50 to 75 percent sphagnum peat moss
- 25 to 50 percent vermiculite
- 5 lbs. of ground limestone per cubic yard of mix
"Organic seedling mix"
- 6 gallons sphagnum peat moss
- 1/4 cup lime
- 4.5 gallons vermiculite
- 4.5 gallons compost
- 1 1/2 cups fertility mix made of: 2 cups ' colloidal (rock) phosphate,2
cups greensand, 112 cup bonemeal, 1/4 cup kelp meal
Another "Organic seedling mix"
- 10 gallons sifted 2-year-old leaf mold
- 1 0 gallons sifted compost
- 5-1 0 gallons sphagnum peat moss
- 5 gallons perlite
- 5 gallons coarse river sand
- 2 cups bloodmeal
- 6 cups bonemeal